There are a host of reasons pertaining to this ailment.
Firstly, stress-emitted from the rigours of daily life. The regions which give the most stress, i believe, are academics and careers.
Firstly, stress-emitted from the rigours of daily life. The regions which give the most stress, i believe, are academics and careers.
In a fast-paced, small country which has to strive harder than other nations to survive, Singapore's students are pushed to perform well in academics in order to ensure a bright future. Wishing to live up to their parents' expectations, pushed on by their competitive enviroment, these students thus willingly study into the wee hours of the next day despite an early class schedule that very day. Even when these students slip into bed, fears about upcoming tests, examinations or difficult syllabuses accost them. The mental pressure exerted by these give one little reason to relax; to sleep, to give one's body it's much needed rest. This would in turn result in a meager amount of sleep.
After the academic cycle comes a new cycle of stress-this time, about careers. In an increasingly costly world, a job is essential in providing for oneself-not to mention one's family. In Asian context, especially in Singapore, i believe one would be under more pressure to excel at one's job-if one has it, at all. Competition in the job market is fierce; the cost of living is high, providing for one's parents is essential and in Singapore, everyone seems to be in pursuit of the Five Cs-Cash, Car, Condo, Club(membership) and another equally 'important' factor. Apparently in this society,it would seem demaning not to have these. Having to be financially able to provide for all these would certainly be cause for much worry and stress.
Secondly, Medical Conditions could be another factor. Physical conditions, like asthma, could disrupt sleep. Mental health conditions-which include depression and post-traumatic stress disorder-could result in insommia or nightmares.
Even gender and age can determine one's hours of sleep. This is the third most likely reason pertaining to sleep deprivation. According to studies done, women are more prone to sleep disorders due to pregnacy, hormonal fluctuations and menopause. Also, the elderly are lighter sleepers than the young. This could be attributed to chronic health conditions, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, diabetes and hypertension.
Although seemingly harmless, one should not dismiss this lack of sleep. Insufficient rest could cause a body to simply break down, or collapse-there have been cases of online gamers perishing on the spot after days of gaming marathons. Of course, there are a litany of illnesses owing to sleep deprivation- amongst them,increased blood pressure,increased risk of diabetes and fibromyalgia, headaches and even memory lapses. These are major health issues which should be seriously considered.
It is thus my opinion that parents should ease up to give their children more 'breathing space'-this would naturally encourage better sleep for their offspring. Working adults should reserve a little time each day to relax, perhaps an hour or so. They could even walk home from work, if possible-walking has been clinically proven to relieve stress.
Medical experts advise those who experience sleep deprivation or sleep problems to seek medical attention to determine if sleep disorder or insomnia causes are signs of a more serious problem. Generally, treating underlying sleep disorder causes improves sleep and overall quality of life. Yoga could also be a stress-combating measure.
Hormonal fluctuations and menopause can be easily treated with pills or medications prescribed by certified doctors, as so can the various illnesses experienced in the descent to old age.
In conclusion, i would like to reitariate that ignoring sleep deprivation is not a wise move. The effects would not be immediately visible but over time, the damages wrought could be considerable.
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