Monday, November 22, 2010

Facebook Cop

Facebook is a place on the internet where people make new friends over at. However, one must be careful in particular of who the person is, and his background when making friends with him. Some Facebook users send mass invite to other people to be added as friends, and many a times, more than half of the invitations are strangers to each other. Hence i suggest that Facebook users shouldn't accept others to be accepted as their friend on Facebook, as you wouldn't know what is he up to. As stated in the article, some Facebook users stalk and groom people for sexual activities over at Facebook. I've seen a few post that says " sex available..." I strongly agree that aggressive Facebook users should be captured, however, alot of them aren't using their personal email to log into Facebook, so it'll definitely not easy to follow up those aggressive users. The article also mentioned that aged below 13 years shouldn't be members of the Facebook. Though it says that aged below 13, young kids that are age of lower than 13 would counterfeit their age to 14, 15 or 16. Therfore, it wouldn't help much if the Facebook implement the minimum ade limit to be members of the Facebook. So in conclusion, users of Facebook should be wary of other users upon accepting them as friends.

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